Gates Pass, near Tucson, Arizona

Announcing 2019 Student Grant Awards

Our 2019 grant cycle is completed, congratulations to the following grant award recipients:

Shannon Brophy

CUNY Brooklyn College

“Cold methane seeps as possible refuges from ash falls: comparative faunal analyses from a seep and non-seep deposit, Upper Cretaceous Pierre Shale, South Dakota”


Matt Downen

University of Kansas

“Taxonomic and taphonomic bias in the fossil record of spiders”


Kyle Fouke

Bucknell University

“Quantitative microscopy and geochemical corrections for the impact of seafloor diagenesis on global sea surface temperature reconstructions from coral skeletons”


Alexis Mychajliw

La Brea Tar Pits/LA County Museum

“Paleoecological reconstruction of a biogeographic gateway: clues from Trinidad’s Pleistocene ‘Tar Pits’”


Thomas Pascucci

Adelphi University

“Systematic revision of the dinosaur Deinonychus antirrhopus and its implications for the origin of birds”


Rebekah Stein

University of Michigan, Ann Arbor

“Using isotopes of terrestrial deposits to study the carbon cycle during the early Eocene greenhouse”


Courtney Wagner

University of Utah

“Disparity and taphonomy of magnetofossils from the hyperthermal Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum”


Seth Williams

University of Washington

“The erosive power of earthquakes: Quantifying landscape response to a large magnitude seismic event through detrital thermochronometry in Kaikoura, New Zealand”


Paige Wilson

University of Washington

“Environmental change and plant response across the Cretaceous-Paleogene boundary in North America: A study in the Hell Creek area of NE Montana”


Joshua Zimmt

University of California, Berkeley

“Reassessing the link between climate change and mass extinction in the fossil record”